A Tea Geek Wedding
You may have noticed that there haven’t been too many reviews lately, like any, at all. I have a good excuse, honest! Last October, I got engaged and started planning our wedding. The big day was June 30th, 2012 and it went great. Needless to say, I didn’t have a lot of time to write about tea, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been drinking it!
One of the things that was most important to both my new wife and myself was that our special day reflected ourselves more than any traditions or customs. We wanted it to be OUR wedding. One of the first things I thought about was trying to incorporate tea into the event. Along those lines, Teavivre graciously agreed to help us out by providing some tea to help make our day special, and we are both very grateful. We ended up using the tea in two places, as the wedding favor and on a special “tea table” at the reception.
Both items were a big hit. We have received several compliments on both the favors and the tea table. It’s fun to see pictures posted to facebook six months after the wedding of people saying they enjoyed the tea, I think the favorite of the day was the Bailin Gongfu black tea, although the Unbridled Love, Jasmine Pearl, and Iron Godess teas were all great as well. Teavivre also surprised us with some of their blooming teas which we were really excited to be able to use to decorate the tea table. I have tried flowering teas before, but these were the first ones that actually bloomed and looked like they were supposed to.
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you very much to Teavivre, your gift of tea was awesome and Stella was a pleasure to work with. I look forward to enjoying the leftover tea, and hopefully getting back to some more frequent review soon!
Here are some pics of the tea in action: