Tea of the Week – Snowbud
Name: Snowbud
Type: White
Region: Fujian province, China
Bought At: Adagio.com
Price: $2 for a five cup sample
First Impressions: Large leaves, with interesting white “hair” on them
The first of four white teas that I am trying, snowbud was a good start. It has very subtle flavors, really weak compared to a green or even a oolong tea. Drinking it I feel the smoothness of it more than anything else. Even though it doesn’t have a strong flavor per say, it is a really enjoyable drink. It leaves a smooth warm feeling for quite a while after you have finished it. I enjoyed it, I think I will be able to judge it a little better after I have tried some of the other white teas.
My Rating:
3 / 5
(Teageek.org Founder)